No doubt you have read or seen news on the Occupy Wall Street Movement. Well the occupy movement has spread to cities around the globe, with no end in sight. Corporations need to take notice of how this movement will change their operations. Years ago there was the environmental movement, which caused companies to go green, well in the same way this movement has the real potential to change the way big businesses run their companies.
Companies now have a chance to get ahead of everyone else and make some changes for the better. People everywhere are tired of seeing CEO and shareholders alike, make huge money, while they make a low wage. Corporations get a lot of bad press, and often with good reason. They sometimes pay as low a wage as they can, which can cause employee stress and reduce the level of customer service. They often think profit first then customers and employees. Both customers and employees then lose out. They are often more concerned about their shareholders, than doing what is best for the local community and employees.
For example, many companies have outsourced their production plants overseas, to save a pile of money. Sure the company saves money, by paying low wages overseas, but the local community suffers. The community loses quality jobs, which can have a very negative affect around the community. You now have unemployed people in the community, who could be depressed, and now rely on social programs to survive. Some companies will cut jobs, just so they can get a better return for their shareholders. However, if the company has a smaller profit and keeps those jobs, it benefits the community as a whole. You would have less unemployment and a more positive community atmosphere. Also when companies keep employees, this will benefit customers by having more staff around, who are ready to help them, which is great for customer service.
Companies could make it known that they will or have made changes in response to the occupy revolution, and be ahead of other companies. If the company starts paying fair wages, and works on keeping jobs, they will develop a great reputation as a place to work. This reputation will allow the company to attract top employee prospects, which is good for business. Great employees will provide great customer service.
Now what if corporations could live with less profit for their shareholders and make some real positive changes. This would generate enormous goodwill from the employees and customers. Employees would be more likely to develop long lasting beneficial relationships with their customers, which is great for business. Also the whole community benefits by having less unemployment, and having workers who have higher incomes. Corporate change will produce smiles for both customers and employees, and then the whole community benefits
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