Thursday, October 25, 2012

In Service For The Customer

The most basic question of all is, what is customer service? Businesses need to answer this basic question before they can create a superior customer service program. Companies are here to serve customers and if they forget this principle,  they may find themselves with no customers and then no company. Customers are the reason for a business to exist, so it makes sense to treat them to exceptional service. 

There are so many examples of poor customer service in every industry. For example, how  often have you noticed how long you are on hold when you call a company or how long a wait it can be to get a server at a restaurant. These are very common issues that could be solved if a business had a process in place to prevent these issues from happening.

Companies need to have good processes in place to serve the customer and keep them happy. Every business will have a different set of processes, but the principle will be the same, make sure the customer is served well. This might mean reducing hold times for customers or making sure restaurant patrons are greeted in a timely manner. 

The main issue is that business processes need to be in place to ensure the customer is happy. This means making sure that customer service is faster, better and more proactive to ensure the delivery of superior service to the customer. Once a solid customer service process is put in place, you will notice happier customers who will help create a very successful business.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Customer Service Can Be This Good

Customer service can be great if a company is committed to the proper training for staff and if management is fully supportive. For example, Apple is very committed to great customer service and it shows. Most companies say they want to deliver great service, but fail to fully commit to train staff properly and do not provide a competitive wage to ensure they keep staff.

The company needs to recruit the best people, with customer friendly attitudes, and be prepared to pay competitive wages to keep these staff. Staff turnover is not good for customer service, as the customer keeps having to deal with new staff and does not get a chance to build a proper relationship with the company. 

The management then needs to be prepared to spend money on quality customer service training which includes deciding how many weeks of training will be done and how to fully integrate the new staff into the business. Also, it will need to be decided how much authority to provide staff, so they can resolve customer issues right away. Complaint resolution processes will need to be setup, so that when customers have complaints, it will be a very smooth process to resolve the issue. Proper handling of customer complaints is critical, because you then have the chance to create very happy and loyal customers when you resolve these complaints in a superior way. 

Most companies have decent products or services, but often customer service is poor, so when your company delivers exceptional customer service, your company will prosper.