Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Stand Out From The Competition

Delivering great customer service can be a powerful way for a company to stand out from the competition. Many companies have very average or poor customer service, so delivering exceptional customer service would create very positive views for a company and allow them to be different from the competition. Most companies offer very similar products or services, but their customer service levels vary a lot. It is easy for most companies to compete on  price, but much harder to compete based on customer service levels. However, when you start to compete using customer service as a marketing tool to beat out your competition, you will be creating a strategy that is harder for your competition to match.

It takes awhile to hire the right people and it takes patience and time to train the staff to deliver great customer service. That is why most businesses will not invest the needed resources to develop a a great customer service program. Most people think of marketing tools as things like advertising, telemarketing, direct mail, internet advertising, etc, but see customer service as important but not as a tool for marketing. If a business uses customer service as a tool to keep customers happy, it allows the company to keep more of their customers and get new customers through positive word of mouth.

Just to show how important word of mouth advertising is, here are the results of a worldwide survey by Nielsen: 92% of consumers around the world say they trust  earned media, such as word-of-mouth advertising, above all other forms of advertising-an increase of 18% since 2007 as per the new study from Nielson. The study was done in 2011 and is called the The Nielson Global Trust in Advertising Survey. It polled more than 28,000 online consumers in 56 countries. http://nielsen.com/us/en/insights/press-room/2012/nielsen-global-consumers-trust-in-earned-advertising-grows.html )

This survey is powerful evidence for the importance of word of mouth advertising. Since great customer service is such a big factor in creating word of mouth advertising, it would make good business sense to develop exceptional customer service at your business. Once your business starts to see how delivering great customer service is a powerful marketing tool, you will keep more of your customers and potentially save money by reducing more expensive forms of advertising. Deliver exceptional customer service and your business will stand out among the competition, which creates many happy customers and happy business owners.

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