Monday, September 19, 2011

Frowns to Smiles !

Frowns to Smiles

We have all seen or heard the customer who comes to the business with a complaint and they are full of anger.They are like a ticking time bomb, you could say anything and they are ready to pounce on you with their full anger. First off, the customer may have had a bad day, and this complaint just allows them to vent their anger.

The main issue is that you need to let the customer know you are on their side. Customers need to know you actually want to help. Do not say, that's not my department, this will get the customer very angry.

Listen closely to the customer's issue.Then you could tell the customer you will be able to help and if needed, get the needed information from a manager,etc.

The goal is to make the customer realize you are on their side. Now hopefully, the issue can be resolved. If the issue is not completely resolved to the customer's satisfaction, their frown will still turn to a smile, because they will know you worked your butt off to help them.

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