Thursday, September 29, 2011

Smile Tracking

Smile tracking, what's this all about ?  You need to know how happy or unhappy your customers are with your business. If you do not know this information, you could be losing customers for very simple and controllable reasons.

This is where front line staff are very important. Some business customers will be easier to track, than others. However, this tracking is very important. All staff need to be aware of the importance of tracking unhappy customers.
Depending on the business, you could have staff track unhappy customers via their computer database or simply have forms that are easy to fill out with reasons why customers are unhappy with the business. Staff will not be able to track all unhappy customers, but the customers they do track will provide invaluable data.

Another idea would be to have regular staff meetings about losing and keeping customers. This will allow staff to offer up customer information that may not have been tracked. This would also allow staff to see customer service tricks from other staff, to help them keep more customers happy.

Make it worthwhile for the staff to save a customer from leaving. Also make tracking unhappy customers, a part of their job description. Staff need to know, that without customers they would have no jobs. Smile tracking can help any business increase customer retention.

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