Friday, September 16, 2011

Smiling for Dollars

Smiling for Dollars ? 
What is this about ? Well if customers are treated in a truly friendly way and leave smiling , well that's great for business. Have you ever noticed when someone has just received great customer service,they want to tell all their friends. Its almost like we are so shocked we received great service, we have to tell our friends.

Most staff are not really trained and monitored to have great customer service. However, we all remember when we had great customer service and this will keep dollars flowing into your business.The investment in customer service training for your business will reap big rewards and produce many smiling customers. Watch the true story of how Johnny The Bagger created many smiling customers.


  1. Johnny's story is inspiring. This is a great idea! Great service from the heart - now we have smiling customers and smiling servers.

  2. You are so right, Johnny's story is very inspiring. Customers and businesses alike would be transformed if we had more people like Johnny !
